Temporary stay
- General information
- Graduate of full-time studies
- Student
- Illegal residence - stay with family
- Education/vocational training
- Other circumstances
- Spouse of a Polish citizen / child of a Polish citizen's spouse
- Temporary residence permit - work
- Family reunification
- Business activity
- Highly qualified employment
- Spiritual service
- Permanent residence permit
- Residence permit for a long-term resident of the EU
- Pole's card
- Issuance and replacement of a residence card
- Extension of visas and visa-free travel
Issuance and replacement of a residence card
Applications and attachments (1 file)
The foreigner’s residence card is exchanged in case:
- Changes in the data in the existing residence card;
- Changes in the facial image of the holder of the residence card compared to the facial image of the card to an extent that makes identification of the card holder difficult or impossible;
- Loss;
- Damage;
- Taking over by the Republic of Poland of responsibility for international protection of a holder of a residence card issued in connection with granting a long-term resident’s EU residence permit with an annotation;
- Taking over by another EU Member State of responsibility for international protection of the holder of a residence card issued in connection with the granting of a long-term resident’s EU residence permit.
Exception: in the case of foreigners who have obtained a temporary residence permit for the purpose of family reunion, the foreigner, after obtaining a temporary residence permit, is obliged to apply for a residence card in person.
Procedure for submitting application:
The application for the replacement of the residence card shall be submitted by the foreigner in person to the voivode competent for the place of the foreigner’s residence within 14 days after the premises for its replace occur.
When submitting the application for the issue or replacement of a residence card, the foreigner is obliged to submit fingerprints. If the foreigner has not submitted his/her fingerprints, the proceedings on the replacement of the residence card shall be refused.
Where to submit applications:
Applications for the issue / replacement of a foreigner’s residence card are submitted to the General Chancellery of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship Office in Bydgoszcz, room 4, on the ground floor, building B, at ul. or to the Division for Work Permits and Registration of Invitations and EU Citizens of the Division for Civil Affairs and Foreigners, 3 floor
after making an online booking.
Necessary documents:
1. Application form filled in as instructed.
2. Two current photographs meeting the following requirements:
- intact, colour, good quality;35 x 45 mm in size,
- taken over the last 6 months on before the date of application;
- showing clearly the eyes and face from the top of the head to the upper part of the shoulders, so that the face occupies 70-80 % of the photographs, in a frontal position, looking straight ahead with open eyes, uncovered hair, with natural facial expression and closed lips, and reproducing the natural colour of his skin;
- showing clearly the foreigner’s eyes, especially the pupils, the line of the foreigner’s eyes is parallel to the upper edge of the photograph;
A foreigner wearing a headgear according to the rules of his religion may attach to the application a photograph showing him in a headgear, provided that the facial image is
fully visible. In such a case the application shall be accompanied by a statement of the foreigner’s affiliation to the religious community.
3. A photocopy of a valid travel document (original for inspection), in particularly justified cases, when you do not have a valid travel document and is unable to obtain it, you may present another document confirming your identity;
4. Current certificate of registration for a temporary stay of more than 2 months or permanent residence.
5. Documents necessary to confirm the data and circumstances of the application.
Kujawsko-Pomorski Urząd Wojewódzki w Bydgoszczy
Biuro Finansowo-Inwestycyjne
account number : 56 1010 1078 0000 4222 3100 0000
Issue or replacement of a residence card – PLN 50
Issue of a new residence card to replace one lost or destroyed by a foreigner:
PLN 100 – first loss (or destruction)
PLN 200 – further loss (or destruction)
Foreigners are entitled to a 50 % discount on the stamp duty for the issue or replace of a residence card when:
1. who are in a difficult financial situation,
2. whose purpose of stay is to study at a secondary school and university in the territory of Republic of Poland,
3. a minor under the age of 16 at the date of application for the issue or replacement of a residence card.
The documents required to obtain a discount in the fee for issuing or replacing a residence card are:
1.certificate of receipt of social assistance financial assistance at the time;
a certificate confirming that you have been enrolled in a high school or college at that time;
3. a copy of the minor foreigner’s birth certificate or, if it is impossible to obtain it, a travel document or another identity document confirming the age of the minor foreigner
If a foreigner loses or destroys a residence card within 3 days from the date of its loss or damage, the foreigner is obliged to inform the office that issued the document about this fact. A certificate confirming this fact shall be issued free of charge to a foreigner who has notified the loss or damage of a document. It is valid until a replacement residence card is issued but not longer than 2 months from the date of issue.

„Wzmocnienie zdolności administracyjnych Wojewody Kujawsko-Pomorskiego w procesie integracji obywateli państw trzecich – etap II”

Bezpieczna przystań
Projekt współfinansowany z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji.