Recognition as a polish citizens
Who can apply and what conditions must be met?
Foreigner who meets at least one of the following conditions:
- has been legally residing in Poland for at least 3 years, without interruption, on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a residence permit for a long-term resident of the European Union or a right of permanent residence
- has a stable and regular source of income in Poland,
- has the legal title to dwelling premises
- has been residing in Poland for at least 2 years, continuously and legally, on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a long-term resident’s European Union residence permit or a right of permanent residence,
- has been married to a Polish citizen for at least 3 years or has no citizenship,
- has been continuously and legally residing in Poland for at least 2 years on the basis of a permanent residence permit, which he obtained in Poland as a refugee
- is less than 18 years old,
- legally resides in Poland on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a long-term resident’s European Union residence permit or the right of permanent residence,
- one of the parents has Polish citizenship,
- the other parent has agreed to recognition child as Polis citizen
- is less than 18 years old,
- legally resides in Poland on the basis of a permanent residence permit, a long-term resident’s European Union residence permit or the right of permanent residence,
- at least one of the parents Polish citizenship has been restored.
- the other parent who does not have Polish citizenship, has agreed to this recognition
- continuously and legally stayed in Poland for at least 10 years;
- has a permanent residence permit, a long-term resident’s European Union residence permit or a right of permanent residence,
- has a stable and regular source of income in Poland and a legal title to occupy a dwelling;
- continuously and legally stays in Poland for at least 1 years;
- he has a permanent residence permit, obtained in connection with his Polish origin or Card of the Pole.
Remember! In order to be recognised as a Polish citizen you must know Polish at B1 level – you need official confirmation. Information on how to obtain such a certificate can be found here –
Remember! A voivode may refuse to recognise as a Polish citizen if it would pose a threat to the defence or security of the state or the protection of public safety and order.
Where to apply?
Branch of Civil Affairs and Passports in the Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners, Building C, II floor room no 202
Konarskiego 1-3, 85-066 Bydgoszcz
phone 52 34 97 231
Receiving applications:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8.00-13; Tuesday: 8.00-14.00
- PLN 219 for the decision to recognize as a Polish citizen,
- PLN 17 per power of attorney, if you act through an attorney and your attorney is not your spouse, ascendant, descendant or siblings. The relationship should be confirmed by the documents attached to the application,
- the cost of authenticating documents – if you attach copies of documents to your application
Deadline for the case
The deadline for completion of the proceedings depends on when the authority collects all necessary information and documents.
Before issuing a decision on the case, the Office asks the Capital City Commander or Voivodeship Police Commander, the Director of the Internal Security Agency Delegation, as well as other institutions and bodies to provide information whether your acquisition of Polish citizenship does not pose a threat to state defence or security or the protection of public safety and order.
Appeal procedure
The appeal shall be submitted to the Minister of Interior and Administration through the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivode within 14 days of the date of delivery of the decision.
What documents must be submitted?
1. application for recognition as a Polish citizen drawn up in the Polish language on the official form,
2. biometric photograph, i.e. a colour photograph (1pc) 35 x 45 mm taken over the last 6 months on a uniform bright background, with good sharpness and showing clearly the eyes and face from the top of the head to the upper part of the shoulders, without a headgear and dark-lensed glasses, looking directly ahead with eyes open, hair removed from face, a natural expression on a face and a closed mouth;
3. photocopy of a valid document proving identity and nationality (foreign passport, travel document or identity card of EU citizen), all pages of the passport should be photocopied
4. a photocopy of the permanent residence card or document confirming the right of permanent residence of the EU citizen,
5. in the case of several nationalities, photocopies of other passports or acts of naturalisation,
6. photocopy of the permit for permanent residence in Poland, settlement or long-term resident of the European Communities,
7. the original of current copy of the birth certificate issued by the Polish Register Office
8. the original of a document issued by the Polish registry office confirming the marital status, e.g. a current copy of the marriage certificate (not older than 3 months), the spouse’s death certificate,
9. a photocopy of a document confirming the nationality of the foreign spouse,
10. photocopies of copies of children’s birth certificates together with their foreign or Polish identity cards,
11. certificate of registration from the civil registry authority together with the PESEL number certificate,
12. photocopies of documents confirming education obtained in Poland and abroad,
13. official certification of knowledge of the Polish language, i.e. a certificate of completion of a school in Poland, a certificate of completion of a school abroad in the Polish language of instruction or a certificate (at least at B1 level) issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language
14. a resume,
15. statement on dates of departure from and return from Poland and places of stay abroad in the periods indicated in article 30 paragraph 1 of the law on Polish citizenship
16. documents confirming professional achievements (e.g. scientific or professional degrees and titles) or pursued political and social activity
17. in case of having Polish citizenship in the past, documents proving the possession of Polish citizenship, its loss and the date of acquiring foreign citizenship,
18. evidence of payment of stamp duty for issuing a decision on recognition as a Polish citizen.
A foreigner applying for recognition as a Polish citizen who does not meet the requirements indicated in points 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 of Article 30 paragraph 1 of the act additionally includes:
- documents confirming stable and regular sources of income in Poland (e.g. certificate of employment, employment contract, income from author’s work, pension, PIT for the previous year, certificate from the commune office on the possession of an agricultural holding with its size also in conversion hectares) – the source of income must be stable and regular.
- the original or photocopy of a document confirming the legal title to the occupied premises, e.g. the deed of ownership of the building or dwelling, a copy of the lease or tenancy agreement, loan agreement, allocation of the premises, etc.
Foreigner exercising parental authority over a minor shall additionally attach:
- a photograph of the minor covered by the application which meets the requirements for a biometric image (as above),
- the original current copy of the minor’s complete birth certificate issued by the Polish Registry Office,
- officially certified photocopy of a valid document proving identity and citizenship of a minor foreigner (foreign passport, travel document or identity card of EU citizen),
- a photocopy of the minor’s residence card,
- a statement of consent to recognize the minor as a Polish citizen, accepted for the record from the other parent by the locally competent voivode – if that parent resides in Poland or the Polish consul – from a person residing abroad or staying in Poland on the basis of a visa or in visa-free traffic. If a statement is made before another voivode or consul, a document confirming this information should be attached,
- a statement of a minor foreigner who has reached the age of 16 on the consent to be recognized as a Polish citizen, accepted for protocol by the locally competent voivode – if the minor resides in Poland or by the Polish consul – from a minor residing abroad or staying in Poland on the basis of a visa or in visa-free travel. If a declaration is made before another voivode or consul, a document confirming this information should be attached.
Copies of civil-status documents issued by the Polish Registry Office on the basis of Polish civil-status books are submitted in the original, and the remaining documents in the form of certified copies. Legalisation of the copy is performed by a Polish notary public (i.e. a notary within the meaning of Polish notary regulations), a Polish consul outside the Republic of Poland or a free of charge employee of the Citizenship and Repatriation Branch at the time of application (in such a case you present a photocopy made on your own and show the original document for inspection). If you act through a Polish advocate, Polish legal adviser, patent attorney or tax adviser, such an attorney may also certify copies of documents.
Applications and attachments (1 file)

„Wzmocnienie zdolności administracyjnych Wojewody Kujawsko-Pomorskiego w procesie integracji obywateli państw trzecich – etap II”

Bezpieczna przystań
Projekt współfinansowany z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji.