Work permit type C
It refers to a situation where a foreigner is employed by a foreign employer and is delegated on the territory of the Republic of Poland for a period exceeding 30 days in a calendar year to a branch or plant of the foreign entity or where the foreign entity is related to a domestic entity in the form of a president of the company or common property.
Required documents:
1. application for a work permit for a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland;
2. document confirming the legal status and form or nature of the activity conducted by the foreign employer;
3. documents confirming the relationship in the form of the same president of companies or common assets of a foreign and domestic company;
4. document confirming the fact of employing a foreigner in a foreign entity (e.g. an employment contract drawn up in two languages);
5. a copy of all filled in pages from a valid travel document of the foreigner concerned by the application, and if the foreigner does not have a valid travel document and it is not possible to obtain it, a copy of another valid document confirming his/her identity should be attached;
6. statement of the foreign entity, which will indicate a person authorized to represent the foreign employer, staying in the territory of Republic of Poland;
7. proof of payment of the fee;
8. statement of no criminal conviction;

„Wzmocnienie zdolności administracyjnych Wojewody Kujawsko-Pomorskiego w procesie integracji obywateli państw trzecich – etap II”

Bezpieczna przystań
Projekt współfinansowany z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji.