General information

Who does the work:

Branch for Work Permits and Registration of Invitations and EU Citizens
Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners
Kujawsko-Pomorski Urząd Wojewódzki w Bydgoszczy
ul. Konarskiego 1-3, 85-950 Bydgoszcz

Where to submit applications:

Applications for issuing a work permit for a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland shall be submitted to the General Chancellery of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship Office in Bydgoszcz.
in room no 4, on the ground floor, in building B at ul.. Konarskiego 1-3.

Applications for issuing a work permit for a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland shall be submitted to the General Chancellery of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship Office in Bydgoszcz. Detailed information can be acquired by calling 56 611-51-44.

Employers who have their registered office or place of residence on the territory of the former włocławskie voivodeship may submit applications for a work permit for a foreigner on the territory of the Republic of Poland to the Office’s Delegation in Włocławek at ul. Brzeska 8, room 11. Detailed information can be acquired by calling 54 231-42-53 or 54 231-45-17.


The on-call duty for employers interested in obtaining information on the work permit for foreigners takes place every Wednesday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the telephone number. 52 349 72 82


The fee for submitting an application for a work permit for a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland is:

  • PLN 50 – if the period of validity of the permit will be no more than 3 months;
  • PLN 100 – if the period of validity of the permit is more than 3 months;
  • PLN 200 – if the employer applies for granting a type D work permit (export service);

The extension of the work permit for a foreigner is half the amount of the previous work permit.

The relevant amount must be paid into the account:

Kujawsko-Pomorski Urząd Wojewódzki w Bydgoszczy
Biuro Finansowo-Inwestycyjne
NBP O/O Bydgoszcz

bank account no: 56 1010 1078 0000 4222 3100 0000

Worth to know

1. The proceedings for the issue, extension or revocation of a work permit for a foreigner are conducted exclusively by an entity entrusting work to a foreigner.

2. the work permit is issued for a specific foreigner, defines the entity entrusting work by a foreigner, the position, type of work performed by the foreigner and the validity period.

3. the entity entrusting work to a foreigner is obliged to immediately inform in writing the voivode about it:

  • entrusting a foreigner for periods not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year to perform work of a different nature or on a different position than specified in the work permit,
  • change of the registered office or place of residence, name and legal form of the entity entrusting work by a foreigner, as well as taking over the employer or its part by another employer,
  • to transfer the company or parts of it to another employer,
  • change the person representing the foreign employer,
  • failure to take up work by a foreigner within 3 months from the date of commencement of the work permit validity or termination of work by a foreigner earlier than 3 months before the expiry of the work permit,
  • interruption of work by a foreigner, in agreement with the entity entrusting work, for a period exceeding 3 months.
  • The work permit may remain valid if the reason for the delay of employment or interruption in the performance of work is justified and the entity immediately notified in writing the voivode who issued the work permit.

Please inform us using the information form, which can be found on our website under

forms to download.

In the case of information about a foreigner’s failure to take up work or termination of work for any reason, please attach a copy of the work permit on the basis of which the foreigner performed work for a specific employer.

4. On the territory of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship is valid  the Ordinance of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivode on the criteria for issuing work permits, which presents a list of professions and types of work for which the issue of a type A work permit for a foreigner does not require the information of a staroste, which is issued by the Poviat Labour Office in the place where the work will be performed. List of occupations is as follows:


Nazwa zawodu

Kod zawodu

1. Fizjoterapeuta 229201
2. Psycholog 263401
3. Psycholog kliniczny 263403
4. Spedytor 333105
5. Technik fizjoterapii 325401
6. Technik masażysta s 325402
7. Kucharz s 512001
8. Fryzjer s 514101
9. Monter / składacz okien 712501
10. Szklarz budowlany 712503
11. Hydraulik 712601
12. Monter sieci cieplnych 712608
13. Monter sieci gazowych 712610
14. Monter sieci wodnych i kanalizacyjnych 712612
15. Monter urządzeń energii odnawialnej 712614
16. Monter/konserwator instalacji wentylacyjnych i klimatyzacyjnych 712703
17. Pozostali robotnicy budowlani robót wykończeniowych i pokrewni gdzie indziej niesklasyfikowani 712990
18. Lakiernik samochodowy 713203
19. Blacharz budowlany 721302
20. Blacharz samochodowy s 721306
21. Monter konstrukcji stalowych 721404
22. Operator obrabiarek sterowanych numerycznie 722308
23. Tokarz – frezer obrabiarek sterowanych numerycznie 722313
24. Mechanik pojazdów samochodowych s 723103
25. Rozbieracz – wykrawacz 751104
26. Rzeźnik – wędliniarz 751105
27. Impregnator drewna 752101
28. Sortowacz materiałów drzewnych 752105
29. Stolarz meblowy 752208
30. Pozostali stolarze meblowi i pokrewni 752290
31. Frezer drewna 752301
32. Tokarz w drewnie 752310
33. Ustawiacz maszyn do obróbki drewna 752311
34. Krawiec s 753105
35. Operator wtryskarki 814208
36. Operator maszyn i urządzeń do przetwórstwa tworzyw sztucznych s 814209
37. Szwaczka maszynowa 815301
38. Operator urządzeń do przetwórstwa drobiu 816026
39. Patroszacz ryb 932904

Znacznik „s” określony przy zawodach, oznacza zawody szkolnictwa zawodowego nauczane w systemie oświaty. Pracodawca, który zamierza powierzyć pracę cudzoziemcowi
w tzw. zawodzie szkolnym, chcąc skorzystać ze zwolnienia z obowiązku przedłożenia informacji starosty, musi przedstawić potwierdzenie kuratora oświaty o wykształceniu uzyskanym w danym zawodzie i uznaniu zdobytych kwalifikacji za równoważne świadectwom/dyplomom wydawanym w Polsce.

5. On the territory of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship is valid as of 28 June 2018 Regulation of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy amending the Regulation on determining cases in which a work permit for a foreigner is issued without the required information of a starost, which is issued by the Poviat Labour Office in the place where the work will be performed. List of occupations is as follows:

Digital symbol
in classification
of occupations
and specialties
Name of occupation and speciality or elementary group
2141 Industrial and manufacturing engineers
214912 Concrete Technology Engineer
214916 Glass technology engineer
2151 Electrical Engineers
2212 Medical Specialists (with specialization of II degree or title of specialist)
2221 Nurse without specialization or in the process of obtaining specialization
2222 Specialist Nurses
2511 Computer Systems Analysts
2512 Information Systems Development Specialists
2513 Network and Multimedia Developers
2514 Application developers
2519 Unclassified computer analysts and developers
2521 Designers and database administrators
2522 System computer administrators
2523 Computer Network Specialists
2529 Unclassified specialists in databases and computer networks
3112 Construction techniques
3113 Electrical Engineering
3114 Electronics Engineering and related workers
341201 Assistant disabled person
341202 Senior guardian
341203 Guardian in the house of social assistance
7112 Bricklayers and related workers
7114 Concrete, Concrete Mixers and related
7115 Carpenters and concrete mixers
7116 Road construction workers
7121 Roofers
7122 Flooring specialists, parquet layers and tilers
7123 Plasters and related workers
7124 Insulation installers
7131 House painters and related workers
7212 Welders and related specialties
7222 Locksmiths and related specialties
7411 Construction and related electricians
833101 Bus driver
8332 Truck Drivers
8342 Equipment Operators for Earth Works and related machines
8343 Machinists and operators of material handling equipment and related products

European Union

„Wzmocnienie zdolności administracyjnych Wojewody Kujawsko-Pomorskiego w procesie integracji obywateli państw trzecich – etap II”

Voivodship Office in Bydgoszcz

Bezpieczna przystań

Projekt współfinansowany z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji.