Work in Poland!

19.01.2021 | News

If you are foreigner and you have big problem to find job in Poland or you have torrid time in your life and your earnings are low – send your application.


By participating in the project you will receive the opportunity to acquire new qualifications and competences. Our team: career counsellor, psychologist, consultant and labor market expert will support you to find a good job. It doesn’t mean that we will find a job for you right now, but we will do everything in order that you will get good job for good salary.


The goal of the project is to improve the professional situation of foreigners and foreign women living in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship (ZIT BTOF area) by increasing and adjusting the professional competences of people employed on lower positions than their education and equipping the unemployed, entering the labour market or looking for new skills and qualifications.


As part of our planned activities, we plan to:

  • maintaining information and advisory centres in Toruń and Bydgoszcz (support of consultant in daily issues);
  • legal counselling (meeting with lawyer about legal stay, labour law etc.);
  • psychological support (possibility recurrent and individual meetings);
  • adaptation courses (about pensions, taxes, education system in Poland etc.);
  • Polish language courses (basic learning polish and specialist courses);
  • meetings with specialists;
  • cultural-integration meetings (free of charge theatre and participating in barbecue);
  • co-financing of vocational courses and driving licence courses (above category B);
  • providing professional counselling and cooperation with employers;
  • persons at risk of poverty and homelessness will have the opportunity to use assisted flats (recruitment for this activity will start at the turn of September and October 2019 and will be regulated by separate guidelines).

In order to take part in the project, at least one of the following criteria must be fulfilled:

  • the criterion of living in kujawsko – pomorskie province ZIT BTOF (Miasto Bydgoszcz, Gminę Miasta Toruń, Gminy: Chełmża, Białe Błota, Czernikowo, Dąbrowa Chełmińska, Dobrcz, Koronowo, Kowalewo Pomorskie, Lubicz, Łabiszyn, Łubianka, Łysomice, Nakło nad Notecią, Nowa Wieś Wielka, Obrowo,  Osielsko,  Sicienko,  Gmina Miasta Chełmża, Miasto and Gmina  Solec Kujawski, Gminę Szubin, Wielka Nieszawka, Zławieś Wielka and 2 county Bydgoski i Toruński;
  • being a person at risk of poverty or social exclusion;
  • being a employed person below their professional qualifications (due to their origin, lack of recognition of professional qualifications acquired in their homeland, lack of certified documents confirming knowledge of the Polish language or having other professional skills) or an unemployed person entering the labor market or looking for a job.

The deadline for submitting application forms is from 11.01.2021 to 24.01.2021.


Recruitment for the project will take place in a few stages. In order to join it, it is necessary:

  1. To fill in the application form available at: APPLICATION FORM
  2. After verifying the submitted forms, our consultants will contact you. Persons meeting the criteria will be invited to an interview to diagnose their needs. The meeting will be held in Toruń or Bydgoszcz.
  3. During the interview, a recruitment form will be filled in, which is a key document in the recruitment process.
  4. During the meeting, all diplomas certifying education, employment history, certificates from employment agencies and PUPs will be checked and an individual path of professional development will be established (dates of meetings with a career counselor and leveling test in Polish, interview with a psychologist, etc.).
  5. After the meeting with the consultant, you meet with the psychologist will be held to assess motivation.
  6. The last stage will be the signing of a contract – an agreement – and commencement of participation in the project.

Other important documents in project:


All questions concerning the project should be directed to:

Information and advisory centre in Toruń (Klonowica 40/1 street) and Bydgoszcz (Gdańska 128 street):

Consultant Michał Antonowicz (tel: 507-412-653, e-mail:

– possibility to talk in Polish, Russian and English.

Consultant Ksenia Tomanek (tel.: 501-186-730, e-mail:  – possibility to talk in Polish and English.


„Work in Poland!”, is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Priority axis 9. Solidarity society, Subaction 9.1. Social inclusion and development of care services under ZIT, Action 9.1.1 Active social inclusion under Regional Operational Program of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, being implemented in accordance with the grant agreement, UM_SE.433.1.787.2018, concluded with Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship concluded on 7th December 2018 r.

European Union

„Wzmocnienie zdolności administracyjnych Wojewody Kujawsko-Pomorskiego w procesie integracji obywateli państw trzecich – etap II”

Voivodship Office in Bydgoszcz

Bezpieczna przystań

Projekt współfinansowany z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji.